Monday, October 1, 2012

Structure reflection

  • What have you learned from completing this exercise?
  • I've learnt to dig deeper when juxtaposing elements in a story. Through discussions, Praveen and I had manage to develop a creative juxtapose.
  • What made it challenging?
  • I was not sure how to observe the structure of Chapter 1. Is juxtapose a part of structure? 
  • What made it possible to complete it?
  • We were able to elaborate on the juxtapose of Chapter 1 but we did not observe the structure of the chapter at all besides the dramatic selection of Prim as tribute at the end of the chapter.
  • What have you learned about how to approach these kind of tasks?
  • To come up with rough ideas and to discuss thoroughly with others before setting ink onto paper( or in this case, typing onto the google doc)
  • Look at the success criteria. Do you have any questions about this learning before you can consider yourself successful?
  • I simply do not understand how juxtaposes relate to structure. Isn't the structure of a chapter suppose to be the eloquence of Collins' writing throughout Chapter 1? How we organize the flow of the story? What is a structure anyways? 
  • 1 comment:

    1. If a writer deliberately sets 2 contrasting events or passages next to each other then that is a form of juxtaposition and worth commenting on. Plots are usually based on a well-known formula which we will look at, and they choose the order of their stories purposefully. And don't forget the Hero's Journey model - that is very relevant to structure.
