Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reflection (14/1/13-18/1/13)

This week, we reviewed each other's work on the chapters of the novels assigned to us. I believe we gave each other constructive feedback and gave a thorough analysis of the quality of work. Overall, I think some groups did a great job in creating illustrations and slideshows for the chapters' synopsis. After we collected the pros and cons of each chapter, we were able to understand what needed to be improved. I also believe this method was very productive! If we do this for the next chapters (11-20) we will be done with this project in another week!

Ms. Abena's example chapter also taught us about how to make use of Wallwisher  and to include more embedded exercises. The group discussion proved to be useful when we head over to the library to discuss about Sex and Sexuality. We were open and matured while discussing hence producing a fruitful discussion on issues about sex and sexuality. I found it refreshing to discuss about something that really matters to us teens but were always considered taboo.

We also got back our poem analysis essays and compared it with Miran's outstanding piece. I was impressed at her interpretation of solder as I did not understand the symbolism behind it. I think the practice essays really help us in preparing for the upcoming exams.


  1. Good - lots more practice on the horizon ;p

  2. I was also impressed at the way Miran wrote her poetry analysis. Her interpretations show that she had a full understanding of the poem.

  3. Hopefully everyone will take with them what they learnt when we reviewed the study guide to in order to keep making it better. The analysis was an eye-opener for me too.
